Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Academy Research

Though this part of my guide might not agree with other guides you will find about Grepolis, it is my personal preference and opinion. So far, it has worked great, and I haven't regretted it one bit.

What NOT to Research

As you can see in the above picture, 6 researches are in red. Of all researches, these are NOT worth researching. See the list below to see why.
  • Diplomacy - You shouldn't need the extra 20% for keeping your farming villages from revolting, as it is a bad idea to loot them down below 80 morale to begin with (you can't trade with them if its below 80)
  • Espionage - 10% faster? Seriously, just send it sooner!
  • Crane - Builds buildings 10% faster.... While this sounds great, and I actually build this in my first city in a world to get it started, it isn't worth building in any other cities as they should already be fully or partially built when you take them over. So just a waste of research points
  • Meteorology - Some say this +10% speed effects all land units, but I've also heard that many others say it doesn't effect myth units. So officially, I can't say it works on all land units, but generally you shouldn't need this as you aren't normally sending troops over an island, but much more likely to be sending them via transports and LS escort. Another waste of research points
  • Democracy - Extending the time of an enemy conquest in your city by 10% is pretty pathetic. The only time I EVER recommend researching this is in ALL WW island cities. But I'll get more into that in my WW guide.
  • Trireme - The biggest waste of resources ever made. Its attack is worse than a LS, its defense worse than a BR, and it costs just as much population as a LS and BR together. Your much better off just building 50 LS and 50 BR then 50 triremes. Oh, and did I mention that a Trireme costs 120 more resources then a LS and a BR? And to make it even worse, a Trireme is just a little faster than HALF the speed of a BR. So not only is it weak on off. and def., it's expensive, AND its slow!!! The biggest waste of research points you could ever find! So don't even think about it....

CS Launch City

The picture above shows what my CS launch cities typically look like. Some might differ a bit as I don't feel like resetting some pre-existing researches that aren't to much in the way. (such as Archers, Chariots, Catapults) Generally, my CS launch cities double as some of my LOU nukes as I don't really see a need to make a specialized city just to launch a CS from. I'd rather be able to have 3-4 cities able to launch CS's, thus giving me many more timing options then just having one city.

LOU or LDU City

Just like the picture of what my CS launch city most probably would look like, here is what one of my LOU or LDU cities would look like. The yellowed out researches are those that are optional based on what your building there. (i.e. a horseman nuke, or a slinger nuke with 20 catapults) If you are building a LDU city, you apparently won't be needing the Horseman and Catapult research, but if you have it, it always gives you the option of quickly re-purposing the city without wasting much time.

LS or BR City

Just like the other, the shaded red researches are ones you don't need. The shaded yellow researches are ones you might want if your wanting it to be able to switched over to a LOU or LDU city fairly quickly. Otherwise, their not really needed. As with the LOU and LDU set up, this on is capable of switching between LS and BR without any waiting. Just put it into the queue line!

All in all, picking out what your going to research shouldn't to difficult as long as you have a plan and stick to it.


  1. diplomacy is worth researching in the first week of the game, as you cant trade as yet, and the extra abuse of the farms can give you a boost. After that cancel the research. The on!


  2. This needs an update the academy has changed and triremes are better now

  3. Please see my latest update regarding the recent update. I will NOT be updating my guide any time soon as per the reasons listed there.
